Tag Archives: Liberals

Liberal Persuasion 101

After writing numerous pieces, one discovers that facts do not sway Liberal minds.  Even a bulletproof case will not change their minds.  It is frustrating to many Conservatives, who are factually based reasoners, in general.  The reason we cannot change Liberal minds through facts?  Liberals rely on emotion more than fact to arrive at decisions.
Let’s face it, there is something very different between Liberals and Conservatives.  Many people struggle to comprehend the differences.  Just like anything these days, there are studies.  Of course, most of the politics revolve around psychology.  The excerpt, below, best summarized arguing with the Liberal mentality.
You don’t tell your opponent what to think or what’s best. You help them discover for themselves what feels right and best and most advantageous to them. Their ultimate decision is based on self-interest. That’s emotional. I want this. This is good for me and my side. (Decisions Are Emotional, not Logical: The Neuroscience behind Decision Making)
LiberalsIn order to convince most Liberals, one must appeal to their emotions and self-interest.  This particular study found that most decisions evolve from the right feeling about a decision.  And, arguably, good can be perceived as helping others (social programs).  The good in supporting social programs also backs Liberalism today, which is big government.
Oddly, Conservatives are often accused of acting in their self interests. Yet, this study shows that the opposite is actually true.  It may be that the self-interest is inner peace through supporting social programs to help others.
Because of their egalitarian beliefs, liberals are motivated to correct the normal attribution-affect-action sequence and, in so doing, go out their way to try to generate sympathy for and find reasons to help the irresponsible. (Liberal-conservative differences in inclusion-exclusion strategy choice)
No matter how irresponsible or reckless people may be in their own lives, Liberals will support those who make bad decisions.  This explains why many Conservatives feel that our society rewards those who error and punish those who take the right paths.  To Liberals, this seems to be where social injustice comes into play.  No matter the individual’s actions, Liberals feel the need to help them from being affected.  We hear the arguments; “It’s not their fault”, “Corporations caused this”, “It’s Bush’s fault” or a host of explanations for social injustices.  And, as we have seen, Liberals will stand by bad decisions until the end.  Almost all of these arguments seem to seek sympathy for the individual afflicted through their own actions.
In two studies, we demonstrated that liberals underestimate their similarity to other liberals (i.e., display truly false uniqueness), whereas moderates and conservatives overestimate their similarity to other moderates and conservatives (i.e., display truly false consensus; Studies 1 and 2). We further demonstrated that a fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives in the motivation to feel unique explains this ideological distinction in the accuracy of estimating similarity (Study 2). Implications of the accuracy of consensus estimates for mobilizing liberal and conservative political movements are discussed. (The Liberal Illusion of Uniqueness)
These studies were not as surprising.  Is it any wonder that Conservatives and moderates will argue amongst each other excessively.  For example, just look at the ongoing “war” within the Republican Party now.  Even within that war, there are factions battling for position and agreement.  It could be deduced that Conservatives were surprised by the lack of cooperation or agreement.  Conservatives simply believe there are more people who align exactly with  their beliefs than really do.  This is not to say there are less Conservatives, just that there are factions within the Conservative movement.
Liberals, on the other hand, seem to think they are more unique.  In reality, they find that there are others who conform to their beliefs. It could stem from a sort of arrogance which perpetuates the Liberal movement; an attitude of “I care more than you” that prevents Liberals from realizing others agree, including Conservatives.
The interesting part about this study, was how this difference in beliefs affects organization.  Think about the Occupy and Tea Party crowds.  The Tea Party quickly mobilized out of no where for the cause.  Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street organized and quickly fell apart.  Think about why this happened; Conservatives believe in each other as being the same and still believe the cooperation to be there.  Liberals, meanwhile, still believe they are unique and cannot organize as well around a cause.  This is in spite of our political opposition to be part of the society versus individual freedoms.
Economists and neuroscientists at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Iowa decided to find out whether people’s feelings got in the way of their intellects. They found that stroke victims and others with damage to the emotional centers of their brains made better investment decisions than those with a full range of emotions. (Do Emotions Cloud Common Sense?)
Ah, yes, the common sense versus emotional argument; all too common when stepping into a Conservative and Liberal arguing with each other.  However, this explains the problem, as it were.  Since Liberals rely on emotional decisions, common sense is basically thrown out the door.  This can be frustrating to a Conservative, yet a Liberal feels like their emotion is more important (see attribution-affect-action sequence section above).

What does all of this mean?

To win an argument with a Liberal, you must employ a non commonsense approach with an emotional appeal that does not punish irresponsibility and is not based on factual information.
So, maybe that isn’t so helpful since it undermines Conservatism completely.  However, it is possible to appeal to emotions for Conservative causes.  Punishing irresponsibility may be the sticking point here; most Conservatives do not believe we should give everyone a way out of bad decisions.  After all, it is an opportunity to learn and grow.  And, in reality, commonsense is the opposite of emotion from time to time.  Appealing to emotions is the best way to convince Liberals of your viewpoint. Unfortunately, as well know, appeals to emotion are logical fallacies.
Maybe someone else needs to answer this question; what does all of this mean?

from Blogger http://ift.tt/1jgj7Bg

A Liberal Argument Against Liberals

Let me warn you; my typical Conservative approach is lost this morning.  This post contains foul language and not so Christian statements.  If none of that bothers you, read on…
I have had it with Liberal “arguments”.  By Liberal, I mean far left Democrats, not classic Liberals.  This is my Liberal argument against Liberals and Liberalism.  If you are a Liberal, this is what Conservatives hear every day from you.  If you are Conservative, you know exactly what I mean.  After all, Liberals cannot win an argument on facts.  Liberals do not understand what a fact is.  Liberals only have rhetoric at their disposal.

tpt-1Conservatives tend to be God-fearing, good Christian people.  And this is our downfall.  We are too nice to these dumb-asses who consistently badger and call us things we would never do to another human being.  Except me, who is on a war path this morning.
Liberals are stupid assholes when it comes to economic matters.  Liberals are so clueless on economics, it is nearly pointless to teach them.  To teach them would require starting with basic math and moving forward.  So, if you start now, you could teach a Liberal economics in about 15-20 years of daily teaching.  But, don’t use common sense in teaching them either, this confuses them.  They will call you a racist when you teach them.  But, remind them they are dumb-asses.
appealtoridiculeju0Despite their ego, Liberals do not communicate well.  Somehow, they believe that using big words make them sound smarter.  I will give you a hint, if you were smart you would not be a Liberal.  Liberals were equipped with a big heart and no brain.  God made them this way, and we just have to accept this.  A big heart makes you no smarter than anyone else.  Get over your stupid ego and learn something, for once!
Liberals are the most racist people I have ever known.  Liberal policies do nothing to help minorities; they keep minorities right where they want them.  If Liberals wanted to help minorities, they would stop the bull shit policies they “compassionately” enable.  Welfare does not help people get out of poverty.  Poverty has not changed since instating welfare.  Inner city schools suck and it is because of the Liberals and their policies.  Liberals will not allow school choice because this will help the minorities out of poverty. Liberals treat minorities like slaves by lying to them and telling them how the “party of the white man” is holding them back.  Liberals have lied so many times that they now believe it.
Liberals always remind us that the President is black.  Why?  Because they have to be careful what they say and always support him, no matter how stupid his ideas and policies.  After all, they wouldn’t want to show their true racism.  They believe, since a black Democrat was elected President, they are absolved of all their racism.  Liberals voted for Obama because he was black.  It doesn’t get much more racist than that!  How else do you explain voting for the least qualified candidate?  This country has enough problems without your racism getting in the way as well.
Liberals are bullies.  Bullies call others what they are inside.  The Liberal bullies call Conservatives racists, because they know what they are, deep down inside. Liberals are racists!!!
Do you realize how stupid you all look when you trash every place you gather?  Liberals preach peace and harmony and respect for mother earth and climate change.  Yet, Liberals are the biggest slobs on this planet.  Whenever you demonstrate, you destroy everything around you; people lives, property, and each other.  Your lack of moral compass causes you to rape each other, steal, and act like uncivilized barbarians.  You have no class, no clue, and no answers.
Liberals oft refer to Conservatives as Homophobes.  Funny, Conservatives do not give a damn about people’s sexual preferences, color of skin, religion, or anything similar.  Liberals are homophobic, there is no doubt.  Why else do you have to single out someone’s sexual preference?  Why does it matter whom a person loves?  Liberal laws have made it such that we must now recognize same-sex marriages because they love the government being in our business.  Why else would anyone care about a person’s sexual preference?  Liberals single out homosexuals as needing special treatment for their sexual preference.  Why is this anyone’s business?  How would you feel if I asked you about your favorite sexual position and plastered it everywhere?  It is not ok to single out homosexuals, so stop doing it!  I know, liberals don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their causes.  So, why would they care about outing a bunch of people who deserve their own privacy?
LiberalsLiberals do not give a damn about the poor, the needy, the disabled, veterans or other vulnerable people in our society. The only reason Liberals feign compassion for this block of people is for their votes.  They continually give handouts to buy their votes at every election.  However, these handouts do nothing to improve the lives of these people.  If they really cared to help them, they would stop bashing the solutions to save the programs that support our most vulnerable.  Our current set of programs offer no way out to those in need; they are designed to hold these people down in our society.  After all, Liberals love to control their voting block, not actually help them. True solutions to help these people only come from one side of the aisle, and it is NOT the Liberal side!
Liberals slammed our country with a Health Care Law that NO ONE supports, except them.  They did not give a damn about helping the uninsured, they are just power-hungry.  I am not going to go into detail on this; if you have read this far, you already know this!
In closing, I just want to say, stop calling others what you truly are, Liberals: Racist, Homophobic, lacking compassion, selfish, arrogant, unethical, and immoral. I did not use facts because why should I have to? Liberals never do!!

from Blogger http://ift.tt/1igFm6L

Hidden Taxes: A True Burden on America

1450291_634474469929575_1734975293_nWhen we have a deficit or economic imbalance at the Local, State or Federal level, Liberals are always quick to point at the Revenue side of the equation. Over time, these policies have led to so many hidden taxes on society, that even I forget just how many there really are.  The photo to the left reminded me just how many times we are duped when purchasing something in our economy. Arguably, I wonder if the leftists even realize how this works, since they all appear to be economically challenged.  Where are all these magical revenue sources that we don’t think about in our daily lives?

First there is, obviously, the gas taxes.  State gas taxes range from $0.08 (Alaska) to $0.50 per gallon (New York) and everywhere in between. At the Federal level, there is an additional $0.184 per gallon tax.  Meanwhile, those evil oil companies are raking in…..are you ready… a whopping $0.07 per gallon in profit.  Yet, the left chooses to demonize the oil companies because of their record profits.  Never mind that the world is using more fuel.  Yet, they complain about the prices of gas, when, in reality, gas prices could be dropped significantly with a few actions.  As of 2011, State and Local taxes totalled $41,227,355,000!!  If you add the Federal Tax, this grows even larger!  So, who’s really gouging us?  Remember, oil company profits include all sales around the world, not just the US.  The taxes are only collected in the US.

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When Winning Just Isn’t Enough…

rand-paulOften, I wonder if Conservatives lack something that Liberals have; the “killer instinct” in politics. Now, I know what you are thinking; when I am arguing with a Liberal, you are damn right I have a killer instinct!  But, I am not talking about those of us out here, arguing with Liberals every day.  I am talking about our supposedly Conservative representation at the Federal level.

As I discussed in Silver Linings of an Obamacare Bomb, the opportunity was forthcoming and I could see it.  So, why can’t our representation see this?

In recent weeks, we are witnessing the Obama death spiral in politics.  Obama’s numbers are plunging into frigid waters where he has never ventured before.  His RCP approval/disapproval ratings have dropped to 40.5% and 55.4%, respectively, as of this week.  That has to be painful, considering Bush had higher approval ratings at this point in his Presidency.  And, Liberals claim that Bush was the worst President ever.  No, I am not much of a Bush man myself.

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